ESG Activities:
Gas Subholding
"PGN strives to create a work environment that is able to encourage each Employee to unleash their best potential to bolster the Company’s performance"

PGN's social commitment begins with the Gas Subholding Officers as one of the Company’s main pillars. PGN strives to create a work environment that is able to encourage each Employee to unleash their best potential to bolster the Company’s performance. Among them is through talent development by increasing competency and increasing professionalism in accordance with the HR development roadmap.

We implement employment practices in accordance with applicable regulations to ensure a decent and conducive work environment, optimally develop employee potential, ensure occupational health and safety and uphold diversity, human rights and equal opportunities for every employee. The comfort and safety of working for Gas Subholding Officers can be seen from the low employee turnover rate even during the pandemic, the high level of safe working hours, and the increased quality of workers according to the competency assessment results.

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"Customers are stakeholders who greatly influence the sustainability of a business."

Therefore, the Company ensures that the quality of the products meets the requirements, including in terms of safety, through the implementation of the best standards. PGN is also actively developing communication lines with customers through various channels.

To guarantee the best quality, PGN has implemented ISO 9001-2015 certified quality management standards. All PGN products marketed have gone through a selection process including testing of all the materials contained in the product. In accordance with the regulations, the Company is required to comply with the safety regulations stated in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and provide MSDS information to Customers and Prospective Customers so that each party has comprehensive information regarding the chemical content and safety aspects contained in the product.

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PGN provides an MSDS that contains:

Product information in the form of product name, manufacturer, manufacturer's telephone number.

General information about the material, including the composition of the material concerned.

Hazardous component information.

Material reactivity.

Flammability of materials.

Material physical properties.

Chemical properties of materials

Health impacts.

First aid.



As part of a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN), PGN implements the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program by referring to the Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises number PER-1/MBU/03/2023 concerning Special Assignments and Social and Responsibility Programs. Environment of State-Owned Enterprises as well as other laws and regulations related to TJSL.

PGN's TJSL program is designed to support the sustainability of the Company, improve community welfare, and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals/SDGs with the 5 Ps principle (People, Prosperity, Peace, Partnership & Planet). The TJSL program is implemented by aligning strategy, culture as well as the company's vision and mission, based on the motto "PGN Share" (Prosperous, Harmonious, Trustworthy, Responsive and Empathy).

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Channeling policies

  • Supporting the Company's Existing Business Interests.

  • Supporting Company Business Development Activities.

  • Maintaining the Security of Company Assets.

  • Supporting Government Programs.

  • Providing Benefits to Stakeholders.

PGN Share

Enhancing Business

As Gas Subholding, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) as mandated by PT Pertamina (Persero) carries out national gas infrastructure activities in an integrated manner. PGN builds cooperation with natural gas producers to carry out natural gas transportation (transmission) through high pressure pipelines from the producer’s location to the gas station through a Gas Transportation Agreement (GTA) contract. In the distribution sector, PGN sells natural gas directly from PGN to consumers through distribution pipelines.

The distribution market share is the household sector which also constitutes PGN’s largest consumer group (99.43%). PGN integrates natural gas infrastructure in Indonesia and strives to increase access to energy for all levels of society, both through pipeline and non-pipeline infrastructure modes. Currently, PGN has been operating in 73 regencies/cities, in 17 provinces in Indonesia and continues to open up new areas.

"PGN is committed to continuing to increase the use of natural gas in order to realize national energy self-sufficiency, especially in Indonesia’s energy transition phase toward Net Zero Emissions (NZE) by 2060"

As of the end of 2022, PGN Group's natural gas downstream infrastructure management portfolio covers 95% of the natural gas downstream infrastructure that has been built and operating. As for the management of the natural gas network for households and small-scale customers in accordance with the assignments from the Government, it covers 73 regencies/cities throughout Indonesia with a managed gas network pipeline length of approximately 14,326 km.

In order to achieve the goals of the Company's vision and mission, PGN has developed an optimum operational management strategy to obtain sustainable business activities based on medium- and long-term goals. PGN is committed to continuing to increase the use of natural gas in order to realize national energy self-sufficiency, especially in Indonesia's energy transition phase toward Net Zero Emissions (NZE) by 2060. This commitment is carried out with the Natural Gas Strategic Program for the 2021-2026 period through the Gas Subholding Strategic Program, namely the Seven National Gasification Programs or “Sapta PGN+”.

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Operating In


Regencies/Cities 17 Province



Gas Network pipeline

Zero Emission Target by Year


Through Natural Gas Strategic Program
Station PGN Bojonegara,
Serang, Banten